Creating a Captivating Documentation Homepage with reStructuredText

A well-structured documentation homepage serves as the gateway to your product documentation. So, it must be easy to navigate and enable discoverability of your content. In this blog post, I provide a template that you can customize to create a documentation page. This template relies heavily on the elements from the sphinx-design extension, specifically cards, tabs, and grids. Sphinx-design is a Sphinx extension that lets you create beautiful web components. For more information about Sphinx-design, see their official documentation.


Restructured Text Template for a Documentation Homepage

Following is the source for our company’s documentation homepage. In future blogposts, I will provide/design homepages for various popular documentation sites such as stipe, mongodb.

.. your_project_name documentation master file, created by
   sphinx-quickstart on Wed Oct 13 20:54:11 2021.
   You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
   contain the root `toctree` directive.

Welcome to Your Project Documentation Home

Explore our guides and examples to integrate Your Project across various solutions.

.. grid:: 2

    .. grid-item-card::  Your Project for Solution 1

        Brief description of Solution 1 and how Your Project integrates with it.

    .. grid-item-card::  Your Project for Solution 2

        Brief description of Solution 2 and how Your Project integrates with it.

Browse Documentation by Product

Explore installation, configuration, and API reference documentation categorized by Your Project products.

Product 1

.. tab-set::

    .. tab-item:: Product 1 Section 1

        * `Section 1 Overview <link_to_section1_overview>`__
        * `Section 1 Installation Guide <link_to_section1_installation>`__
        * `Section 1 Configuration Reference <link_to_section1_config>`__

    .. tab-item:: Product 1 Section 2

        * `Section 2 Overview <link_to_section2_overview>`__
        * `Section 2 Installation Guide <link_to_section2_installation>`__
        * `Section 2 Configuration Reference <link_to_section2_config>`__

Product 2

.. tab-set::

    .. tab-item:: Product 2 Section 1

        * `Section 1 Overview <link_to_section1_overview>`__
        * `Section 1 Installation Guide <link_to_section1_installation>`__
        * `Section 1 Configuration Reference <link_to_section1_config>`__

    .. tab-item:: Product 2 Section 2

        * `Section 2 Overview <link_to_section2_overview>`__
        * `Section 2 Installation Guide <link_to_section2_installation>`__
        * `Section 2 Configuration Reference <link_to_section2_config>`__

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