
Kalyan Ponnekanti

I’m a technical writer and also manage a team of technical writers. I mostly write programmer’s reference manual, integration guides, and developer documentation. I work for Titaniam, Inc. in the cybersecurity domain. I am in charge of product documentation, testing product builds, and support proof-of-concept deployments for customers.

What do I like doing?

  • troubleshooting issues (technical writer tools, publishing flows, product installation and deployments)
  • learning new authoring and publishing flows (currently we have implemented the authoring and publishing workflows in ReST > PDF, ReST > HTML)
  • exploring programming languages (currently learning python)
  • learning about new business models (a huge fan of Shark Tank)
  • learning about technology (blockchain, ADAS, cryptography)

What is this blog about?

  • Serves as a personal knowledge base
  • Reflects my learnings from work
  • Records troubleshooting topics
  • Curates remote technical writing jobs
  • Curates first issue documentation requests on GitHub


  • I am Masters in Electronics engineering from Cardiff University.
  • I also earned a baker’s hat.

Domains where I have worked as a technical writer

  • Semiconductors
    • embedded processors (ARC processors), hardware accelerators for cryptography algorithms compiler tool chains, secure processor, side-channel protection hardware)
    • Communication hardware (set-top box software and hardware)
  • Software
    • mobile device management
    • enterprise security (embedded entitlements management, single sign-on, identity management)
  • Cybersecurity
    • protecting Elasticsearch and Opensearch indexes at rest
    • tokenization
    • fileshare proxies
    • S3 bucket proxies

What am I most passionate about?

  • Cooking
  • Reading fiction

What is on my reading list?

  • Celtic Myths
  • Best Short Stories in Telugu
  • Collection of 50 Greatest Short Stories (Edgar Allen Poe, O’ Henry, Kate Upton, …)
  • Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman

What URLs do I frequently read?

  • www.techcrunch.com
  • www.idratherbewriting.com